Ищи любовь там, где тебе хорошо
Вот поимел наглость и утащил у |Klinn| :shuffle2:

01. Answer each of the questions below the cut using http://www.flickr.com/ search engine.
02. Choose a photo from the first three pages.
03. Copy the URL of your favorite photos http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php.
04. Then spam your f-list.

01. What's your favorite song?
02. Favorite genre of music?
03. Favorite musician?
04. What was the last song you listened to/are currently listening to?
05. What type of music do you dislike?
06. What instrument do you like to listen to the most?
07. What instrument do you most like to play (or would like to learn)?
08. Where do you go or what do you listen to when you're sad?
09. What was the last concert or musical event you attended? группы Без билеты там нет. А что было раньше? Раньше были Ляписы!!!
10. What concert or musical event do you wish you could have attended? Or a performer you would have loved to have seen live?
11. You and your sweetie, what's your 'song'?
12. What song gets stuck in your head the most? Этот дурацкий Лазербой... Песня ужасная, но приставучая до ужаса)


@темы: Флэшмоб